We believe there is not a compound made by nature or man that in fact will heal anything. It is only you that can heal you. Everything we consume is designed to provide the body with elemental compounds which will allow the body to function optimally. Every living organism has evolved to optimally function without feeling at dis-ease. In order for this to happen though, the cells must have access to all the essential compounds including minerals, fats, amino acids and carbohydrates. Without a full complement of all in adequate levels, feeling at dis-ease will be the outcome.
One drop of our Iodine Concentrate contains 75% of the US RDA. However, Iodine has been maligned in mainstream medicine over the last 100 years to the degree that the current suggested RDA will barely keep a Goiter at bay. According to the latest research, the RDA of 150 micrograms is woefully inadequate. Doses ofRead More
There is much confusion and contention around the issue of organic vs. inorganic minerals and the efficacious application of one over the other. There is a lot of information and there are a lot of opinions circulating as to the best sources of dietary minerals, pitting plant sourced (organic) against rock sourced (inorganic). Since opinionsRead More
Excerpted (with written permission) from: Staying Healthy with Nutrition: The Complete Guide to Diet and Nutritional Medicine Silicon is another mineral that is not commonly written about as an essential nutrient. It is present in the soil and is actually the most abundant mineral in the earth’s crust, as carbon is the most abundant inRead More
The Eidon Perspective by Rick Wagner We are now being inundated by the media with dire predictions of mass sickness and death from the Asian Avian Flu (also known as Bird Flu). If we follow the “experts” advice we must all go out and get the flu vaccine to protect ourselves from certain death. Unfortunately,Read More
An outbreak of influenza A (H5N1), also known as avian flu or bird flu, has been reported in several countries throughout Asia. Cases of avian influenza A (H5N1) in birds have been confirmed in Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Pakistan, South Korea, Thailand, and Vietnam. Human cases of avian influenza have been reportedRead More
Low Cholesterol Increases Cancer and Death Risk by Byron Richards (NaturalNews) In a major shot fired across the bow of the statin marketing machine, the levels of LDL cholesterol that are the artificial targets of “health” promoted by the American Heart Association (AHA) are now found to be associated with a significant increased risk ofRead More
The Irony of the New Universal Waste Disposal Laws A few weeks ago I read an article outlining the new disposal laws for mercury waste. I applaud California for taking a firm stance on the handling of such a toxic element. At the same time I was once again informed by the news that myRead More
What is the Cause and Cure for Type 2 Diabetes? by Dr. James Howenstine, M.D. (Posted on this site with written permission.) An epidemic of diabetes is sweeping over the United States. One of the puzzling aspects of this problem is that conventional medicine seems to have no ideas about what is causing this problemRead More
Silica's importance in overall optimal bodily function has been recognized for quite some time. As early as 1878, Louis Pasteur predicted that silica would be found to be an important therapeutic substance for many diseases and would play a significant role in human health and consequently nutrition. Silica Research During the 20th century, progress wasRead More
Magnesium is a mineral that is finally getting the recognition it deserves, albeit slowly. We, in the business of minerals, respect the multiple functions that they serve in the human body. We know the validity of the health enhancing, restorative results that supplementing with our minerals can achieve; and have access to research that substantiateRead More