We believe there is not a compound made by nature or man that in fact will heal anything. It is only you that can heal you. Everything we consume is designed to provide the body with elemental compounds which will allow the body to function optimally. Every living organism has evolved to optimally function without feeling at dis-ease. In order for this to happen though, the cells must have access to all the essential compounds including minerals, fats, amino acids and carbohydrates. Without a full complement of all in adequate levels, feeling at dis-ease will be the outcome.
Iodine has been in and out of favor as a nutrient ever since it was isolated by a French chemist in 1811. He discovered it in seaweed (kelp) while attempting to make saltpeter to be used in gunpowder. In the early 1900s, iodine was a common recommendation of doctors for a myriad of conditions. (ref. Dr. John Meyer)
There is a lot of information available today on the importance of our body pH. People are being warned that an acidic body may be a precursor to many disease states including cancer.
XYLITOL—a natural sweetener derived from certain fruits, vegetables, berries, and nutshells—is proven to be safe and effective in preventing and even reversing tooth decay. Research shows that regular use of xylitol-containing products—such as gums, candies, lozenges, and toothpaste—can halt tooth decay in its tracks and even promote the healing of cavities that are already underway.
When I first started working at Eidon, it was 2015 and I was about 40lbs heavier. As a college student, my diet consisted of things like In-N-Out burgers, deli sandwiches on white bread, beer drinking games, and all kinds of desserts! I thought I could eat whatever as long as I stayed active.
So often today when we are dealing with a state of dis-ease, if it isn’t something you caught (e.g. from exposure to a bacteria or virus), it is blamed on your failed genetics. The other big culprit is your own body attacking itself as in auto-immune disease.
We all know the importance of staying hydrated and replenishing our electrolytes for the rest of our body to function optimally. We can lose these essential minerals when we sweat, during emotional or physical stress, during pregnancy, or even by drinking alcohol or caffeine.
Most of us regularly wash the outside of our bodies to stay clean and acceptable to our fellow humans. Imagine how you would feel and smell after only a week of not bathing-it would not be very pretty and probably quite smelly.
I know what you’re thinking, “What the heck is Silica?” And no, I’m not talking about those little square moisture absorbing packages you find in a new pair of sneakers. I’m talking about silica the mineral. Silica is so underrated and such an important supplement, and no one knows about it! Luckily if you continue reading, I am going to give you 7 reasons why I take Silica every day! I started supplementing with Eidon Ionic Minerals Liquid Silica two years ago, after I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. I was prescribed a medication that helped me reach remission (yay!) but had some not so pleasant side effects, specifically hair thinning and hair loss. As a woman, who has always had long blonde hair my entire life (well except for high school when I would ride my bike to CVS and buy pink hair dye), this was a horrible experience. My hair wouldn’t grow past my shoulders and eventually stopped growing all together. Every time I washed my hair, it would come out in clumps. It was so alarming and scary. I considered hair extensions but couldn’t afford them, they were almost as much as my mortgage, so that was out. I also looked into some hair regrowth serum and shampoos, but many of these products had mixed reviews and weird ingredients. I decided to take a natural approach. I tried biotin, but found it made me start having horrible breakouts. Check your multivitamins ladies, you might be breaking out because of that! Biotin did not help me grow my hair back and I didn’t really notice much of a difference while I was taking it. I did some more research and discovered the mineral silica. Eidon Ionic Minerals silica is essential in collagen formation and connective tissue strength. Just FYI, collagen is the tough fibrous material that holds our cells together and strengthens tissues. Basically, collagen is the major component of everything from our bones to our skin, and it stimulates hair growth! Since I have been taking Eidon Ionic Minerals, here is what I have noticed! 1. My hair grows super fast and I have hardly any breakage! I also noticed that my hair is thicker and stronger. Which is great because I am trying to grow out my hair for my wedding next June. 2. My nails are stronger and also grow very fast. I always had brittle nails as a kid and now they are hard and grow so quickly. 3. I had a huge reduction in joint and muscle pain. Since I started taking silica, I hardly have any pain! 4. My gut health improved. I was having horrible digestive issues and since I started taking Silica I noticed that my stomach doesn’t hurt anymore. 5. I noticed that the fine lines on my face started to reduce. Thanks collagen production! 6. My gums are healthier. I experienced inflammation on joints, gums, and other parts of the body. Since I started taking Silica, my gums are no longer inflamed. 7. My sleep improved. I used to have really bad insomnia, I would get too tired and then not be able to fall asleep. I recently started taking Silica before bed. I noticed that I quickly fell and stayed asleep! I wake up feeling refreshed and well rested, not groggy. I love Eidon Ionic Minerals Liquid Minerals! They have been around since 1996 and all their minerals are highly absorbable, so if you have gut issues, I HIGHLY recommend trying liquid minerals and supplements because you’re wasting your money on capsules your body can’t absorb. All of Eidon Ionic Minerals are completely natural WITHOUT additives or preservatives, and every mineral is pure and very high quality You might want to consider supplementing with Silica because we are definitely not getting enough out of our diets. Silica does not occur naturally in a lot of foods. In fact, silica is only found in natural oats, millet, barley, wheat, and potatoes. Unfortunately, most of these foods have been refined so much that the Silica has been removed. I currently take one tablespoon of Silica just before bed! Want to hear more of my health journey? Follow me on Instagram @WellnessAF Stay healthy everyone, Ashley Franklin
There are many things on the planet which defy logic and therefore possess what we humans like to call magical properties. Peruvian Pink Salt is one of these magical things. Imagine hiking high in the Andes mountains and discovering a spring bubbling out of the ground at 11,000 feet. Then imagine your surprise when you scoop up a handful of water to take a much needed drink only to discover that the water is salty. Yes, this is exactly what the Incas discovered many year ago during one of their treks through these magnificent mountains. The enterprising Incas understood the value of salt water and eventually began to harvest the salt from this spring. They would trade it for gold. The Spanish Conquistadors, in their conquest of this land were continuously looking for the mother lode of Gold when in fact they were missing out on what gave the gold its value - Salt. Empires were founded on a people’s access to salt. It was used as money, hence the word salary. More important, it was a universal preservative and the very first mineral supplement used by man. Man has traditionally obtained salt from the ocean by evaporating sea water into salt. Salt in this format is mineral complete and incredibly nutritious in its function of delivering the necessary elements we need to survive and thrive in our quest for optimal health. Peruvian Pink Salt provides the same elements in different levels than sea water with the added magic of the energy infused by planet earth to move this water up from sea level to 11,000 feet in the air. Such a feat would even be a challenge for man today. We believe this energy imparts special properties to this salt not found anywhere else on the planet. While this has not been scientifically studied, nor identified, I do believe it. Its effects are subtle and yet profound. Use Peruvian Pink for all of your salt requirements, which should include daily use on your food. Rick Wagner, C.N.,M.S.
Today I realized something that really made me mad. In addition to the closing of non-essential business, whatever those are, the closing of schools, and the order to stay home, we have been ordered to wear masks while in public. While it is all stupid as well as draconian, the underlying concept is as frightening as it is illogical.