We believe there is not a compound made by nature or man that in fact will heal anything. It is only you that can heal you. Everything we consume is designed to provide the body with elemental compounds which will allow the body to function optimally. Every living organism has evolved to optimally function without feeling at dis-ease. In order for this to happen though, the cells must have access to all the essential compounds including minerals, fats, amino acids and carbohydrates. Without a full complement of all in adequate levels, feeling at dis-ease will be the outcome.
It has become quite obvious that many people are looking for more natural ways to support and maintain their immune systems through natural holistic means.
Having listened to the news on the new almost pandemic called Coronavirus for the past month or so, I am still scratching my head. It is my humble opinion that it is much ado about a possibly new form of the common cold or flu, which most of the time puts one out of commission for a few days, up to a few weeks.
Modern medicine has come a long way in treating infections caused by pathogenic bacteria. The use of antibiotics has saved many people who have been exposed, either internally or externally, to opportunistic and sometimes deadly pathogens that are a part of the natural system of life on this planet. But, are these wonder drugs called antibiotics really the panacea we have been led to believe they are?
Did you know that there are at least 300 different human enzymes that rely on zinc in parts of their composition and function? Many people notice zinc on ingredient labels but have no clue just how important this substance is for their general health and wellbeing. Unfortunately, our bodies do not naturally produce zinc and very few of us actually get a sufficient amount of zinc through our normal diet. Our bodies also cannot store it. For this reason, it is important to consider taking a daily dose of an ionic liquid zinc supplement to ensure that our health is optimal at all times.
Collagen supplementation is all the rage today. Virtually all collagen supplements today are derived from animal by-products such as skin, bone, and cartilage. The most common tissue is cartilage and skin from cows. When consumed as a supplement, collagen is digested in the body and broken down into its primary constituents to be utilized within the body for numerous purposes. This animal collagen is comprised of complex sugars and the element Silica. What is important to understand is that the body does not take this collagen and automatically utilize it in its whole state to rebuild lost collagen. We must rebuild our own collagen matrix using the raw materials we obtain in our food, water, and supplements. The most important element necessary for rebuilding our own collagen is Silica. Silica catalyzes the Glycosaminoglycan enzyme in our tissues-which then creates collagen. So, when you consume an animal derived collagen complex, your body digests and then uses the Silica and complex sugars to make its own collagen matrix. The question is what did the cow use to make its own collagen? Cows eat grass. Grass contains complex sugars and essential minerals-including a generous amount of Silica. An excellent way to get what the cow ate is via greens, including the essential grasses. The best way to know you are getting adequate Silica is through supplementation of pure Silica as is found in our Silica supplement and other blends such as our Joint Support, Bone Support and Multiple Mineral. These products deliver the raw materials for our body to make its own collagen, as is how it should occur in nature. So the question boils down to what is the best approach. My preference is Eidon Silica, as no digestion is required and you are getting the element most responsible for human collagen production in a very bioavailable format.
My first experience with Zinc was in the 1990’s when after a week of being sick with the flu, I woke up feeling OK, but I had completely lost my sense of taste and smell. To describe the sensation, everything tasted or smelled BROWN. I know that is weird, but it was how I reacted. A good friend and surfing buddy suggested I might have a brain tumor, which I quickly discounted. That being said, I had no clue as to the cause. One day I was talking to my mom about it asking her if she had ever experienced such a thing. Her answer was no, but within a few weeks, I got an article from her that she had cut out of a Parade magazine that came with the Sunday edition of the Los Angeles Times.
Today, there is a lot of information being disseminated regarding the poor quality of our water supplies around the country and what we need to do to make sure we are getting good clean water in our daily diet. One thing for sure, there are many things in our water that are detrimental or at least not healthful. Two that are routinely added to our water supply today are chlorine and fluoride. While the chlorine is important for keeping microbial growth down to acceptable levels the amount we end up ingesting can create unacceptable body tissue chloride levels. The fluoride is, in my estimation, completely unnecessary and should be removed completely.
Your hair can reveal a great deal more than just your preferred style. Many people don’t realize quite how absorbent their hair is and as well as taking on water when wet, our hair also absorbs chemicals and toxins that we are exposed to. For example, hair can be used to identify drug use or alcohol consumption. However, your hair can also reveal important information about your health. This includes some genetic disorders and whether you have or are at risk of developing health problems. These can be determined using a test known as a hair mineral analysis.
Iron is a mineral that is absolutely vital for our health and wellbeing. Primarily, iron plays a crucial role in the proper function of hemoglobin, a protein that is needed to transport oxygen around our body in our blood.
Today, when someone mentions Lithium, most adults associate it with the concept of mental disorders. It has historically been the recommendation of choice by many medical practitioners when attempting to deal with erratic behavior in an individual.