We believe there is not a compound made by nature or man that in fact will heal anything. It is only you that can heal you. Everything we consume is designed to provide the body with elemental compounds which will allow the body to function optimally. Every living organism has evolved to optimally function without feeling at dis-ease. In order for this to happen though, the cells must have access to all the essential compounds including minerals, fats, amino acids and carbohydrates. Without a full complement of all in adequate levels, feeling at dis-ease will be the outcome.
We know vinegar has been around for thousands of years and there is documentation of its uses since the beginning of written history. In ancient Greece, around 400 BC, Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, prescribed apple cider vinegar mixed with honey for a variety of ills, including coughs and colds. It is even mentionedRead More
Iodine is a necessary component of thyroid health. Deficiency in this mineral is widespread today for a number of reasons. Our natural reserves are being used to shield the body from the deleterious effects of mercury, lead, bromides, cadmium and fluoride leaving the thyroid gland vulnerable to radioactive iodine 131. Making sure we have adequate amountsRead More
Consider the following dietary sources of calcium: * 1 cup milk 300 mg * 1 cup calcium fortified orange juice300 mg * 1 cup low fat yogurt345-400 mg * 1 ounce cheddar cheese has about 204 mg * 1 cup cottage cheese300 mg * ½ cup cooked beans45-113 mg * ½ cup cooked spinach115 mgRead More
I was reading an advertisement for a supplement the other day and the last thing they mentioned about the product was that it was patented. Suddenly, this struck me as quite odd. Why does any nutritional supplement need to be patented? There are 2 reasons why this may seem to be an advantageous thing toRead More
The current Newsweek magazine reads “Brain Freeze, how the deluge of information paralyzes our ability to make good decisions.” This is the kind of everyday stress that is fast becoming the norm. The article was referring to the craze of twittering but could just as well be applied to most facets of life in theRead More
Honeybees are Modern-day Canaries in the Coal Mines Throughout the history of mankind, mining for metal ores has played an important role in our development, as it is the processing of these metal ores into useful items that has allowed us to develop as a society called the human race. Funny, it is these sameRead More
The other day I received an inquiry from a young woman named Sandra asking how much iodine she should be taking to make a small lump in her breast go away. In fact, the dis-ease of cancer or just tumor growth involves much more than just increasing ones intake of iodine. First and formost, oneRead More
How Liquid Minerals Compare to Pill or Capsule Form What are water-soluble liquid minerals? Water-soluble minerals are unique from other mineral supplements because they utilize a new proprietary scientific technology that transforms insoluble minerals (metals) into angstrom-sized water-soluble particles. An angstrom is 1/10,000th of a micron, which is a millionth of a meter. Previously, onlyRead More
Can my body make its own minerals? When we are born our body has a balance of minerals but they come from our mother. Our body is not capable of making its own minerals. We naturally rely on food and water to supply these necessary nutrients but over the decades food and water have becomeRead More
Have you ever thought about what is on the soles of your shoes after a day out in the world? Recently, my vacuum expired so I have been sweeping the dust and dirt from my floors and started observing the amount that accumulates in one day. This stimulated research on just what (beyond the obvious)Read More